Austin Stereo of Austin Texas
Vintage Amplifier Restoration
Vintage amplifiers on their first visit to our shop must go through a complete restoration of the power supply and amplifier stages. We also replace other components known to fail or degrade over time, including key transistors, and resistors, diodes, etc. Often as many as 40 to 100 parts or more. This of course varies by make and model. The parts in the image on the right are from a single amp restoration.
For receivers, tuner sections receive basic service as needed. Please note that unlike the amplifier and power supply sections, tuners use components that have no new replacements. As a result, we may not be able to restore the radio section to full operation. One solution is to connect a Bluetooth receiver and stream your favorite station from anywhere on earth!

Key steps in our process:
All electrolytic capacitors in the power supply, preamp and power amp sections are replaced
Main B+ caps are tested and replaced as needed
Key small signal transistors replaced as needed (Varies by make and model)
Model specific components are replaced as needed
Lamps are replaced and incandescent lamps upgraded to correct warm color LED where possible.
Circuit boards are hand resolderd as needed
Relay contacts are burnished or replaced as needed
All controls and switches are cleaned
Power amplifiers are biased and balanced
The interior and exterior are detailed
Each unit is fully tested.
For turntables, recapping also applies to all direct drive, and some belt drive turntables. In addition, turntable service includes the following:
Hand resoldering
Cleaning controls and switches
Calibrating speed (where applicable)
Replace belts
Replace cables (when necessary)
Cartridge alignment
Bias and balance tonearm
Detail in and out
We do not service speakers. For speaker service, we suggest TexaSound.
The parts we use always meet and more often exceed original specifications. Each completed restoration includes a full 90 day warranty.